Post by shortcircuit on Feb 14, 2008 20:39:57 GMT -4
Wow, Liemar sure is showing his maturity and "leadership skills". Justin has done nothing but show respect for him and he comes here with his crap talking just like always. And some people still support him........ ?
Post by wranger on Feb 14, 2008 20:43:05 GMT -4
GhostHunter calling someone else immature! Ha! What a joke. Whenever people try to stand up, insecure people will always try to keep them down.
I have not found Gene, Tony or Justin to be immature and I have watched the videos.
Post by lightening on Feb 14, 2008 21:01:36 GMT -4
I am shocked that a Gene supporter would be so negative and that Gene would publicly embrace them!
Post by shortcircuit on Feb 14, 2008 21:25:05 GMT -4
You'd have to know Gene lightening, he's one of those people that can get along with almost anybody. I don't know Justin but he seems to be the same way. I haven't seen Gene or Justin be negative about anyone, yet they are getting attacked left and right by Liemar and his posse.
Posts: 13
Post by ghosthunter on Feb 14, 2008 21:42:09 GMT -4
I call them like I see them I'm not attacking anyone I'm stating the facts go back and read this thread as I have done as a new member see if you don't come up with same conclusion lightning.
SPLOST, yes sir I did vote for splost just like 5000+ other citizens voted for it, and yes sir I feel I will benefit from new business, better roads so will the 1000+ that voted against the splost benefit just the same as me I don't hold it against them the majority vote won, I was in the majority vote.
As for my voting preference it is every citizen of this county's privilege to vote for the man we feel will do the best job for our county sir, you can't make any kind of promise of lower taxes etc. until you know the financial stability of the county Gene was honest he said as much.
When I cast my vote it will not be bought with a promise of lower taxes sir.
Post by sometimeman on Feb 14, 2008 22:02:18 GMT -4
Now fellers, here is how it truly is: The administration of Mr. Paris is like a bed wetter that has spent the night at your house and left early next morning taking all the soap with him. You are left to clean up behind him, washing the sheets without any soap!!
Thats the fix the folks in Union County are in. Whoever follows Mr. Paris will be left to clean up his mess. THis usually means restricted budgets and increased taxes.
Thats just how it is.
I would be delighted if he were to be held accountable and his assets applied toward the purchase of some soap!!
Manape is alive!!!
Posts: 413
Post by manape on Feb 14, 2008 22:07:47 GMT -4
Well, now. We have candidates who are good guys, been in business, young, fine Christians, etc. Do any of the candidates for commissioner have sales experience? In companies where you have defective and overpriced products, you can compensate by having a good sales incentive plan. No problem is so great that it cannot be overcome by a salesperson who has the proper motivation.
For example, it is well-documented that a frightened ninety-pound woman can generate enough adrenaline to lift a Chrysler minivan that has parked on her foot. Experiments have also shown that after the third time you park the minivan on her foot she will slay the researchers with a mechanical pencil. Yep, people can do anything with the proper motivation.
The problem is we are not talking about lifting a minivan. We are talking about hiring someone to run the county. I'm happy with the one we got.
I know it irritates most of you that I would support someone with experience and the track record of getting the job done, but you are just going to have to get over it.
After seeing how many more people have come to this county demanding more and more, it is no wonder taxes have increased.
Bubba, you keep repeating your numbers. You make about as much sense as a raving maniac who straps a porcupine to his head and screams, "my HEAD HURTS. It is the commissioner's fault!" Beam me up Scottie.
Post by sometimeman on Feb 14, 2008 22:17:34 GMT -4
APE wrote: "I'm happy with the one we got.
I know it irritates most of you that I would support someone with experience and the track record of getting the job done, but you are just going to have to get over it."
Sometimeman says, Ape if I told you once I told you a hundred times. Ape, you an't got no sense! Mr. Paris Has gone and showed his self. He is UnAmerican, unpatriotic, don't tell the truth and plays his fellow citizens for fools. And here you go professing your love for him! You an't got no sense Ape. There an't no need telling everybody you an't!
Post by Justin Melick on Feb 14, 2008 22:24:41 GMT -4
Ghost, You must have been haunting the forums without posting for a long time to know of Queenbee's joke. I waited tables a long time ago. I worked my way through college and have never been handed anything. But even waiting tables - and I think everyone should experience it - was a good lesson on dealing with people and appreciating hard working people.
I was affiliated with the Sentinel for four years. That's not really a stint. Not only did I write for the paper, but I delivered papers in the dead of night, come rain sleet or snow. I dealt with the hostile environment that was waiting for me when I started at the Sentinel, which had caused a large amount of turnover before my arrival and caused a young female reporter hired after me, to be reduced to tears at a public meeting. Most importantly, I met thousands of Union County citizens, and although I may not remember them all, I remember their concerns and their secret hopes for a more fair and open county government.
I didn't just appear, I have been working for change for a long time. I am in this race because I am brave enough to be in it. We have far too few good people willing to stand up and run for office, because the political world is so dirty, and people are afraid of being attacked and having their motives questioned at every turn.
I did admit that I was young, and I also admit that that is not a bad thing, and I admit that God has used all kinds of people from very young, to very old, to do great things. And I will not do a Barack Obama and have some gray appear in my hair over night.
I have never said that I was incompetent. The good of the county comes first. If I thought I was incompetent, there is no way I would be running.
It is fine that you have supported Gene from day 1 and that you will continue to do so. I've already given my thoughts about Gene. The main handicap that Gene, Tony and I along with Mike Huckabee, face is that in today's political environment, unless you are attacking your opponents, the voters don't take you seriously.
But, I will continue to run a positive campaign and when it is time to call a spade a spade, not only will I call it a spade, I will list all the reasons it is a spade.
Take Care, -Justin
Post by shortcircuit on Feb 14, 2008 22:25:06 GMT -4
He might learn the truth one of these days sometimeman! Only God can make blind men see.
Post by thesosbee on Feb 14, 2008 22:47:02 GMT -4
Gene is a good fellow, but it seems to me that he has a task ahead playing catch up to Justin on political experience, knowledge about the mechanics of running a campaign and political savvy. Justin has proven surprisingly adept at striking a message that locals can identify with. Be sure to watch part 2 of his vid, that's when he really gets going: www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_-gAW0687sAnd ofcourse Tony has been out there for a long time working hard.
Posts: 13
Post by ghosthunter on Feb 14, 2008 22:48:46 GMT -4
Nothing personal Justin I have nothing against you I just feel your to young to have the knowledge and experience to be my commissioner I'm sure you have supporters that feel differently than I.
As for haunting the forum, not exactly I just brought up your profile and read all your replies to different threads I did the same with several other posters I wanted to see if they were consistent in answers that's all nothing haunting in that.
Take care Ghosthunter
Manape is alive!!!
Posts: 413
Post by manape on Feb 14, 2008 22:55:23 GMT -4
You'd have to know Gene lightening, he's one of those people that can get along with almost anybody. I don't know Justin but he seems to be the same way. I haven't seen Gene or Justin be negative about anyone, yet they are getting attacked left and right by Liemar and his posse. You know shortcircuit, what bothers me about all these comments is everybody wants somebody nice for commissioner. Nobody wants to discuss the true costs of government. I know why! It would only encourage us to make rational decisions. Yep, they focus on the many "intangible" economic benefits I will bring to the county...excuse me while I puke. They know that confusion is your friend in politics. How quickly they learn. Steer the voters toward silly and irrelevant comparisons. Yep, give me warm and fuzzy. It is like a used car salesman saying..."well, sure, maybe forty-eight miles per hour isn't an impressive peak speed for a sports car, but you have to compare that to hopping." That sales honey talk may work on most people who wouldn't know the difference between a logical argument and a porcupine strapped to their butts. I just think the people who voted 80% for SPLOST are smarter than that. They know what Lamar has done for our great county and I don't think they will be impressed by the illogical arguments here. Hey, if any of the commish wanta bees want it bad enough, go for it! Impress us with your honey. Get to buzzing. Times a wasting.
Post by genenelson on Feb 14, 2008 23:36:02 GMT -4
I am shocked that a Gene supporter would be so negative and that Gene would publicly embrace them! I would like every one to know that i do not support any negativity toward anyone, there is enough negative in the world now, we don't need to add any.
Post by shortcircuit on Feb 14, 2008 23:42:08 GMT -4
You see ape, Gene just solidified what I said. We need a commissioner who genuinely cares about the needs of the county, not just about making himself look like a bigshot in front of his buddies. I believe that Gene, Justin, and just maybe Tony all genuinely care about bettering our county and not just themselves. And I agree, confusion is their friend in politics, why do you think that Liemar and Norm print all their hogwash in the paper every week? Confused voters can't make logical choices, and Lamar has succeded in confusing alot of people.